TOP 10 Ways to Train Your Endurance and Stamina

Stamina does not imply pumped up or huge muscles. Endurance stands for ability to keep up with physical loads for a relatively long period. If you want to boost your stamina, there are special exercises which are aimed to train your endurance to its maximum.

To understand endurance training principle, one should first pay attention to some basic exercises. During basic exercises “white” muscles work to the fullest and when it comes to endurance exercises, so-called “red” muscles are not that strong.

However, the latter boast of a unique ability to work longer if there is enough oxygen in your body. To summarize, you have to work on these muscles by means of special exercises to boost your endurance.

TOP 10 Ways to Train Your Endurance and Stamina

Types of endurance

There are several kids of endurance. Usually, it is divided into the following types:

The one determines how your heart, blood vessels, lungs can function during a long period of time during a workout. To train cardiovascular endurance, focus on – walking, jogging, swimming, do workouts with a jumping rope, skiing and cycling will also suit. In other words, any cardio workout will suit so you can choose whatever you like.


This type of endurance depends on how many times your muscles or a group of muscles can actually contract. Muscle endurance could be boosted by means of doing numerous reps. You can do push-ups, pull up, squat or do twists.


Aerobic exercise or cardio help to strengthen your heart and blood vessels, get rid of excess weight along with saving muscles and improving pulmonary system functions. This type of exercises is represented by jogging and swimming. They are probably the most popular exercises since both of them are affordable and bring relatively fast results.
Speed workouts are aimed to do reps with maximum speed, they will greatly suit to train your stamina.
So-called “round” workouts So-called “round” workouts are very convenient since you can do all exercise in one place, staying at home or in your office. This type of workouts mean you have to repeat the same exercises several times. According to fitness experts, it is effective to do four to eight round workouts at once. In addition, try to cut the duration of your workout, it will significantly increase its intensity.
Special training is made to boost endurance of a certain group of muscles. Usually such exercises are aimed to professional sportsmen which are engaged in one type of sports, where a quintessence of strength and endurance is a must in a particular body part.

TOP 10 Ways to Train Your Endurance and Stamina

What is the use of endurance?

Working on your stamina is good for your health. For instance, during any aerobic exercises (cardio), an increased oxygen supply to blood results in broken down carbohydrates. The next step — they simply transform into required energy and your excess fat just disappears.
In other words, oxygen helps to burn calories in your body.

Moreover, your heart and lungs start functioning much better.

  • Cardiac muscle starts to pump blood more actively, means all internals are being supplied with blood more effectively and so they also work better.
  • Mitochondria which can be described as “an energy plant” for our body, grows and it results in better functioning of each and every cell of your body.
  • Your lungs start to function better and blood is being saturated with much volume of oxygen.
  • Lactic acid in muscles dissolves so you feel better even after an intensive workout.
  • So-called “red” muscles grow faster.

What is the use of endurance?

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

1. Jogging

No need to mention jogging is one of the most effective exercises ever. In addition, it is free so affordable to anyone. Moreover, you can jog wherever you want: around your house, in a park or on a treadmill.

  • It is better to jog every other day, not every day to give your body enough time to recover. However, keep in mind maximum interval between your workouts must not be longer than two days.
  • Starting your workout, try to jog slowly and then increase your tempo step-by-step, then slow down again. In other words, try interval jogging. Finally, your training time will be increased so will be your jogging speed.
  • If you are at home, you can jog in place and jump from time to time.
  • Don’t worry if you cannot jog at once — start with walking. When it comes to endurance, walking is a great exercise, especially at a fast pace. Once you feel you are able to jog, start to jog from 5 to 10 minutes 2-3 times a week and then you can extend the duration of your workout.
  • Keep your focus on your breath, you must be able to catch it each moment of jogging. If you feel there’s no enough breath, try to slow down your pace and then start jogging again.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

2. Jumping rope

Jumping rope is an excellent tool if you want to boost your endurance. Try jogging with jumping rope, it is very effective to relieve muscle tension.

  • It is critically important that your foot fully pushes the ground. You should jump softly and naturally.
  • You should jump at least 15 minutes to start burning calories.
  • Try to lift one leg and another from time to time.

Thus, all abovementioned exercises will help to quickly burn calories, strengthen your heart and blood vessels, improve coordination, train many muscles including calves, thighs, hands and shoulders, ABS and buttocks.
It turns out, exercising with a jumping rope is an excellent workout for the whole body which surely results greatly for your endurance and well-being.
If you do workouts with a jumping rope every day, you will lose excess weight very fast.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

3. Squats

When it comes to squats, it is hard to find more effective and basic exercise.
We offer an unusual way to squat which will surely boost your endurance. Try to do squads with one leg elevated. To do this, you have to draw your leg forward while squatting.
If you find it complicated, you can simply do basic squats. Needless to mention, squats are very effective as well as jogging.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

4. Bar (Horizontal Bar)

  • As for pull-ups, you have to do as much as you can at one set. Then have a break and get back to pull-ups.
  • Speaking about reps, you should do from four to five.
  • Pay attention to your body: it must be straight and your legs must be outstretched.
  • Do not forget about your breath: you have to exhale when you’re going down and inhale when you are rising.
  • If you have never done pull-ups, start with hanging on it. It is enough for a novice to hang from 2 to 3 minutes.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

5. Push Ups

Everybody knows push-ups are very effective and bring excellent results.

  • Make sure your back is straight and your breath follows your moves: when you’re going down — inhale, when you’re rising — exhale.
  • Do from one to five reps.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance


6. ABS workout

You can also do ABS workout to boost your stamina.

  • Lay down on the floor or on the gymnastic bench.
  • Keep focused on your body: your legs must be straight; your hands must be behind your head.
  • It is good if someone would hold your legs so they won’t be able to come off the floor. You can also buckle up with a sports belt to gymnastic bench or catch some object with your legs.
  • Keep in mind that when your core is rising, it should twist a little.
  • When you are rising, don’t forget to inhale and when you’re going down — exhale by all means. In this case your ABS muscles must be always tensed.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

7. Cycle

Cycling in a gym or outdoors is a perfect way to boost your endurance. The biggest advantage of cycling is that even if you have too much excess weight, it is still suitable for you because during cycling load on your knees is extremely low.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

8. Pull-Out Exercises for Legs

Pull-out exercises for legs are done in a squat to raise its effectiveness. Keep in mind you have to put your palms on the floor. Pull your left leg back. Pay attention that during this move your back should bend. Then you have to return to the basic position. Now make the same movement with your right leg. You have to exhale by all means when you pull your leg back. Another option of this exercise is to stand and jump at the same time, when one leg is pulled out forward and another one is pulled out back.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

9. Games and Swimming

Playing football or hockey is also excellent and effective way to train your endurance.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

You can swim, but if you want to achieve decent results, pay your attention:

  • Swim at least two times a week.
  • Swim long distance.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

10. Exercises with dumbbells

It’s also effective to do exercise with dumbbells. You could also do squats, keeping dumbbell in each hand. It will definitely increase the overall workload and provide great results.
You can alternate different exercises during single workout.
The most important thing is sticking to the rules.

TOP 10 Exercise: Boost Your Endurance

Workout Routine — Boost Your Cardio Endurance

For example, you can follow this exercise plan to boost your cardio endurance:

— Jump on the rope lifting one leg and then change for another. Jump at least 20 times for each leg.
— Bring your feet together and jump at least 20 times.
— Do several small steps in place to restore your breath.
— When your hands are behind your head, step forward and bend your leg at about a 90-degree angle, in other words, do 90-degree bend. Then you need to raise your leg and exhale. Do this exercise several times — up to 30.
— Shake your legs, step in place.
— Do up to 30 squats. If you are able to do a twist while in squat — do it.
— A few steps to calm down.
— A standing exercise: raise your right half-bend leg back, while your right hand touches the left foot. Your body must be inclined and your left arm must be set back. Then you have to return back to the initial position, join your palms and pull sideway your right leg. Do this exercise 30 times for each leg.
— Take a jumping rope again and start jumping on each leg alternately; each leg — 10 times
— Fold your arms in front of your chest and squat; when you stand up — spread your hands. Do this exercise at least 30 times.
— The last but not the least is to pull your hands up and inhale, then get back to initial position, inhale and do a few steps in place.

Workout Routine — Boost Your Cardio Endurance

Exercises Guidelines

To reach your goal and achieve the best results, when it comes any workouts which are aimed to boost endurance, you should follow some strict rules:

  1. Don’t forget to take breaks during workout, you have to take them to have a rest and give your body some time to recover. Your breaks could be either passive or active. If you choose the latter, you will be able to get even more effect from your workout since your body won’t be relaxed during the while time, thus, it will be quicker involved to active exercising. Being active during workout means less intensive exercise alternates with more intensive. You can lean forward and rotate your body.
  2. According to professional fitness trainers, you should start your workouts with 20-minutes sets every day. Step-by-step raise the duration of your work out till 40-45 minutes. Once your workout is about 60 minutes and you feel your endurance is boosted to maximum, congratulations — you have found your golden mean in stamina workout.
  3. Keep in mind it is a must to divide exercises to boost your endurance and exercise for power training. Don’t try to take all at once. The best option is to divide aerobic exercises and power ones — set them to different days. In addition, pay your attention you should rest at least eight hours before another workout; it is better to have at least 24-hour rest. When you are sure in your boosted endurance, you could try to do your aerobic workout in the morning and your power training in the evening.
  4. Don’t make yourself to death. Your exercise should bring not only results and positive effect, but pleasure. For instance, you can jog slowly step-by-step raising your speed. Don’t make your endurance training exhausting for your mind and body.

TOP 10 Ways to Train Your Endurance and Stamina

As for jogging, make sure you do your workout not earlier than 2 hours after you have woken up.
However, keep in mind you don’t have to take breakfast before you go jogging. It will definitely help to burn as many calories as possible and lose weight if you are aimed to in. In fact, the level of glycogen in your body decreases during the night time and your body uses so-called fat deposits while jogging.
That is why if you jog avoiding breakfast before working out, you will surely lose weight faster.